
Considering the Horse: Tales of Problems Solved and Lessons

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Considering the Horse: Tales of Problems Solved and Lessons

Сообщение Молния » 11 апр 2006, 18:19

Considering the Horse: Tales of Problems Solved and Lessons Learned


Preview product: Considering the Horse: Tales of Problems Solved and Lessons Learned
Magic! If you are a therapist (I am - CranioSacral Therapist) this guy actually lays down a few pointers for you in his approach to horses. His general approach is centred on the horse and the way to approach it is down to you and not the horse - excellent - so many therapists think that because they learned the skills the client is supposed to come to them - wrong!! Many clients are unaware of their motivations. So if you read all this guys books it will assist change in the way you look at and assist your clients for ever. Check it out - his method is one of calm and measured involvement with the horse. he is still asking the horse to reveal to him what the horse wants/is willing and prepared to do to reach his goal. His books are an evolvement of his approach and how he came to the realisations. I have seen much of what I believe as a therapist but have been unable or unmotivated to put into words appear on his pages. I believe it's been an honour to learn from a real human being. A word before anyone says anything - as a therapist I simply do not have an agenda the way this guy has to - our clients can work out their agenda themselves. Anyway a thoroughly good read and looks to me like his stuff is applicable across the board in real life. It would have been great if that was the way your parents treated you and if the Presidaent of the USA had some of these methods then that would be radically new and welcome if totally alien to the world of politics. PS. I have the same review on each of his books...подробнее
Жизнь-игра, задумана хреново, но графика обалденная!

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Сообщение Мина » 12 апр 2006, 16:49

Ещё б понять чего здесь написано :lol: :oops: :lol:
На сердце боль,взгляд смотрит в небо ждёт ответа.Душа не верит в то что нету,тебя уже нету...

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